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Career Growth Booster System (0:09)
Session 1 - Introduction - Prof. Amol Marathe (14:02)
Session 2 - Golden Triangle of Success - Golden Evaluation Criteria- What is your WHY? (17:04)
Session 3 - Current Challenges in Corporate Career (14:36)
Session 4.1 - SMART Goal Setting - Part 1 (21:06)
Session 4.2 - SMART Goal Setting - Part 2 (19:52)
Session 4.3 - SMART Goal Setting - Part 3 (12:55)
Session 5.1 - Resume Development - SWOC Analysis (19:01)
Session 5.2 - Resume Development - Outline - Dos & Don'ts - Power Words (16:51)
CORE COURSE - CRACKING THE INTERVIEW - Answering the Interview Questions
Session 6 - Reality and Tips (5:29)
Session 7.1 - Introduce Yourself (20:26)
Session 7.2 - Why are you looking for a new job? (10:23)
Session 7.3 - Why have you been unemployed for such a long? (10:47)
Session 7.4 - Describe your day to day functioning. (8:37)
Session 7.5 - Describe your Management/Working Style. (7:19)
Session 7.6 - Are you a Team Player? (5:14)
Session 7.7 - What irritates you about your Co-Workers? (5:36)
Session 7.8 - How long would you expect to work for us if hired? (5:02)
Session 7.9 - Where do you see yourself 5 Years from now? (5:27)
Session 7.10 - Where do you see yourself 10 to 15 Years from now? (3:04)
Session 7.11 - Do you consider yourself successful in your Professional Life till date? (3:22)
Session 7.12 - What are your Strengths? (8:51)
Session 7.13 - Why do you think you are a continuous learner? (3:01)
Session 7.14 - What are your Weaknesses? (5:07)
Session 7.15 - Which position you want to join in? (6:35)
Session 7.16 - What are your Short-Term Goal? (4:34)
Session 7.17 - What are your Long-Term Goal? (6:56)
Session 7.18 - What do you know about the Company? (16:25)
Session 7.19 - Why do you want to work for this company? (3:43)
Session 7.20 - What are your expectations from Company? (10:12)
Session 7.21 - Do you have any Questions? (8:41)
Session 7.22 - What do you know about our organization? (3:06)
Session 7.23 - Why do you want to change roles or organization? (4:09)
Session 7.24 - Why should we hire you? (4:59)
Session 7.25 - What is your greatest professional achievement? (4:30)
Session 7.26 - Tell me about your worst boss. (6:15)
Session 7.27 - When have you demonstrated leadership skills? (3:32)
Session 7.28 - What makes you unique? (5:45)
Session 7.29 - What would your first 30/60/90 days here look like?? (5:26)
Session 7.30 - What would your salary requirements be? (7:59)
Session 7.31 - When have you failed? Or Tell me about a time you made a mistake. (7:26)
Session 7.32 - How do you tackle difficulties when they arise? (3:03)
Session 7.33 - How do you deal with pressure? (8:35)
Session 7.34 - How do you prioritize your work? (7:06)
Session 7.35 - What’s your dream job? (3:49)
Session 7.36 - How do you achieve a good work-life balance? (7:32)
Session 7.37 - Are you willing to relocate? (6:16)
Session 7.38 - If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower? (8:34)
Session 7.39 - Is there anything else you’d like us to know? (2:03)
Session 7.40 - Are you interviewing with other companies as well? (4:44)
Session 7.41 - When can you start/join? (4:10)
Session 7.42 - Do you have any questions for us? (3:49)
Being in The BEST MENTAL & PHYSICAL STATE for Job Interview - BONUS No. 3
Session 8 - POWER DRESSING (5:21)
Session 9 - How to look confident? Part 1 (9:54)
Session 10 - How to look confident? Part 2 (5:10)
NETWORK EXPANSION - The Secret to get the Best Jobs in Industry - BONUS No. 4
Session 11 - How to start Effective Networking? (8:54)
Session 12 - Core Group Exercise (8:59)
Session 13 - LinkedIn - Social Network for Professionals (8:45)
Session 14 - Super Success Affirmations (5:38)
SUPER SUCCESS SANJEEVANI - Amazon eBook by Prof. Amol Marathe - BONUS No. 6
eBook-Super Success SANJEEVANI - Prof. Amol Marathe
Session 7.15 - Which position you want to join in?
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